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Graduation lycée remises des diplomes

The Conseil de Vie Lycéenne (CVL) and the school staff organised the end-of-year ceremony for the Terminales (final-year students). The event took place in the gymnasium in the presence of several teachers. The event began with moving speeches by the headmistress, Ms Bernard, the presidents of the CVL and the delegates of each class.

Graduation lycée, mme Bernard gives students their diploma

Ms Bernard then presented the students with their diplomas before the traditional hat-toss. Some students also received special awards to congratulate them on their uniqueness.

Graduation lycée terminales students toss their motarboard

The day ended with a barbecue to the accompaniment of impromptu singing by the students. It was a wonderful way to conclude this festive day before our final-year students returned to their revision. We wish them the best of luck for the forthcoming baccalaureate exam!

Graduation high school delegate speech

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