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The College Student Council will meet every six weeks to discuss ways in which they can improve the life and environment of their fellow peers at Collège. The group of students was made up of elected delegates and independent volunteer members.
Like last year, the Student Council is a very dynamic group of young people who perfectly represents their classmates. These meetings are an opportunity to share ideas to make the daily life of students at the College even more enriching.

"I was really looking forward to the first meeting for the Student Council and it was really nice, we elected the President who was Leatitia, vice president Astrid and me and the secretary who was Octave. It was a really nice time to be talking to people from different sections about various topics and sharing opinions. I thank Mr. Daniel, Mrs. Ambridge, and Mme Decaris for giving me this opportunity."
- Inika Kar, 4èmeC

" With the Student Council, I found everyone involved, motivated and we all brought great ideas. There was a good atmosphere. We also discussed very interesting topics such as wearing the uniform. We were also trying to create Halloween events with the costume contest…"
- Cecile Rodier, 5èmeC

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