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Congratulations to Tess H., a student in 3ème at Ermitage, on her stunning victory in the very first edition of the "Prix Voltaire" eloquence competition in Maisons-Laffitte, and to Auriane L., a student in Terminale, who distinguished herself by taking part in the small final, and coming in 4th place out of all the participants. 

Winners of the eloquence competition "Prix Voltaire" in Maisons-Laffitte

These two young speakers admirably defended the art of public speaking at the Vieille Église in Maisons-Laffitte, in front of a large audience who were particularly attentive and captivated by their speeches. Organized for the first time by the Conseil Intercommunal des Jeunes (CIJ), the "Prix Voltaire" competition attracted 28 candidates, aged 13 to 18, determined to refine and demonstrate their mastery of the art of oratory. Since September, each of them has demonstrated a flawless commitment by training and taking part in the 5 selection stages leading up to the final. The final was a real highlight, with the presence of this year's sponsor: lawyer Bertrand Perrier. 

We would also like to salute and thank the numerous students of Ermitage who took part in this competition with such determination, and whose commitment and performance deserve to be highlighted: Paul F., Mathis E., Cécile R., Elodie R., Milo C., Laetitia K., Léa R., Constance D.S. 

Gagnants du concours d'éloquence "Prix Voltaire" à Maisons-Laffitte

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