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On Monday afternoons, 8 DP 1 and 5 MYP 5 Extended Math class students have volunteered to give their time to help younger MYP math students who would like extra support. Under the supervision of Mrs. Heudebourg and other math teachers, students meet one-on-one or two-to-one with their student mentor from 3:30 to 5:00 until the end of the school year. This is the opportunity for those students to ask for clarification from an older fellow student about math concepts they feel they have not completely mastered and to get extra practice applying what they’ve learned.
The Math Fellows program is in its 8th year and is still going strong! This collaborative venture has proven beneficial for all involved. The tutors develop their skills in explaining and communicating their knowledge while the younger students benefit from having their individual math needs addressed in a relaxed, non-classroom environment. As well, many new friendships are formed!

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