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Ermitage Lycéens participate in Model United Nations (MUN), which is an academic simulation of the United Nations (UN). Each year, in schools around the world, groups of students come together to familiarize themselves with the procedures of the United Nations and assume the roles of delegates. 

Lily, 3ème BFI student, explains that during MUN, each student chooses a country to represent and debates a number of resolutions while representing their country’s opinion in a simulation of the United Nations. She states, “this club encourages public speaking, as well as gets its members involved and interested in geopolitics, often discovering more about a country they knew little about."

At Ermitage, our MUN Club consists of a group of students between the grades of 3ème-TLE brought together by their interest in research, debate, current events, and solutions towards global issues. Both French and English-speaking students are welcome to participate, with all debates being conducted in English.

(photos from previous years)

Jeanne, Terminal BFI, states that "we normally have the chance to participate in certain conferences which bring together people from all around the world. For at least 15 years, Ermitage has taken part in the Haarlem conference in the Netherlands, as well as the WIMUN conference in New York and some conferences near Paris such as the LIMUN conference, 2 conferences in Saint Germain en Laye and the Balzac conference in Paris.”

Jeanne adds, “Our school has been rewarded for our participation. For example, we won the best high school delegation in the international conference of WIMUN in New York two years ago. It gives students the opportunity to interact with people from other countries and to share about their experiences. This year, despite the difficulties, we should still be organizing the Ermun conference in 2021.”

Students debate with the same codifications and procedure as the UN. Each student defends the position and opinions of a given country. The subjects are chosen by the students every week and are quite varied as it can be on the Ouïgour genocide, the transparency of elections, neocolonialism or even the Coronavirus crisis. 

Participating in the Model UN during the pandemic does not change from the normal procedures; rather students are responsible for maintaining certain health and safety protocol like wearing a mask and applying disinfect gel. Fortunately, COVID has not prohibited each session from being entertaining with innovative ideas and engaging speeches.

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At Ermitage, we offer you a choice between the French program with bilingual options and the International Baccalaureate program in English with a bilingual diploma option as well. Discover their similarities and differences below.

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