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It was a joy to bring our team together and facilitate our inaugural Ermitage IB School Festival of Learning; celebrating the commitment, collaboration and creativity of our teachers over the past 3-months on their Working Group journey to school advancement.

Festival of learning - teachers working on ways to improve the IB school

We heard about the challenges they had overcome, the creative solutions they had found, the evidence at the heart of their policy review proposals, and how they had navigated working together and growing as a team. 

Festival of learning - teachers working on ways to improve the IB school

A proud team moment, for the happy and effective school we are building together.

Looking for something?

At Ermitage, we offer you a choice between the French program with bilingual options and the International Baccalaureate program in English with a bilingual diploma option as well. Discover their similarities and differences below.

Ermitage News

Lunar New Year in Primary School: Celebrating Diversity, Embracing the World, Growing Together
IB Staff First Aid Training Day
Ermitage Alumni End-of-Year Reception
The ERMUN Conference 2024