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The Collège's first Student Council meeting was a resounding success! The 9 elected delegates (one per class) and 9 volunteer members all came together to attend the first meeting of the Student Council on Wednesday, September 30. 

Gabriel was voted in as President and Sarah became the Council's Secretary - both taking to their roles immediately with pride and enthusiasm. The group discussed many ways in which the school could be improved through various projects, and also suggested ways in which these actions could be financed by various charity events. 

There was a real buzz and sense of purpose to the conversations around the table and the students were highly motivated to represent their classmates and work towards a common goal. Even as you read, recycling bins are being sought to fill the Collège building and the Canteen, as one of the primary objectives suggested by the Council. The Council has access to an online platform where they can discuss their ideas outside of the meetings and continue to drive their ideas forward. 

This initiative has been a huge success all round! Bravo to the delegates in the Student Council for making the Ermitage Middle School even better. 

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