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L'Ermitage International School is proud to announce its inclusion in Le Figaro's "Palmarès des meilleurs collèges et lycées proposant un enseignement bilingue" (Ranking of the Best Middle Schools and High Schools Offering Bilingual Education). Our collège is ranked 8th out of 163 assessed establishments, while our lycée is ranked 9th out of 118 establishments.

This meticulously compiled ranking takes into account several key factors, including the number of international sections offered by the school, as well as the pass rates for the Brevet and Baccalauréat général in 2022. Additionally, the average marks in the written tests and the mention rates, are also essential indicators, which in our case have contributed to our positioning in both rankings.

For many years, we have been committed to providing high quality bilingual education to our students. Our school is dedicated to encouraging foreign language skills and cultural openness and we are delighted that these efforts have been recognised and rewarded once again. Congratulations to all our staff and students on this latest success!

Eleve assis en classe - student in class - Ermitage 8eme Collège et 9ème Lycée bilingue en France

Looking for something?

At Ermitage, we offer you a choice between the French program with bilingual options and the International Baccalaureate program in English with a bilingual diploma option as well. Discover their similarities and differences below.

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