This year, the national daily newspaper, Le Figaro, has placed L’ERMITAGE at the top of the national rankings for the best performing high schools in France.
We are very happy to share our joy with you and with our entire community as we salute the excellent efforts of our students, their families and the hard work and dedication of the educational team !
« … The ranking of the high schools is a ritual awaited upon by families. This year, Le Figaro has placed on the podium, for the public schools, Louis-Le-Grand, Henri IV and Condorcet, all located in Paris. For the private schools, the winning trio is comprised of Notre-Dame-de-Sion in Paris, L’ERMITAGE in Maisons-Laffitte and the Saint-Cœur in Beaune…
“… Le Figaro based its rankings on three indicators supplied by the office of statistics at the Ministry of Education:
- success rate at the 2016 Baccalaureate;
- the value added (drawn from obtaining a higher pass rate than that anticipated among the school population);
- and the stability (the fact of keeping students from the Seconde to the Première to the Baccalaureate) …”