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Placitum is a program in our Collège that takes the form of tutor groups with a wide range of activities and topics to inspire those who take part. This curriculum covers additional topics such as cutting down single-use plastic, reducing food waste, how to be comfortable in your own skin, and more. Our Collège students are grateful for the opportunity to participate in such engaging group sessions!
Our 5ème class is engaging in an exercise to promote conversations and how to work together efficiently. The final goal was to create a 4 story high cup structure. There was a catch though! The use of hands was not permitted and the participants could only use a string attached to the rubber band to stack the cups. The activity required skill, cooperation, and focus. Great work!

Looking for something?

At Ermitage, we offer you a choice between the French program with bilingual options and the International Baccalaureate program in English with a bilingual diploma option as well. Discover their similarities and differences below.

Ermitage News

Lunar New Year in Primary School: Celebrating Diversity, Embracing the World, Growing Together
IB Staff First Aid Training Day
Ermitage Alumni End-of-Year Reception
The ERMUN Conference 2024