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The International Studies Program Discovery Week 2016 was full of adventure, team building, exploration, the arts and more. This annual week off-timetable in December is intended to take learning outside of the classroom and encourages students to then apply these themes back in their subjects - from STEAM to French Literature.

Students in the Foundation Years were pushed to move out of their comfort zones through improvisation, theater exercises and public speaking training. The students proved to be adventurous in activities such as indoor rock climbing, ice skating and first aid training.

Foundation 1 students, who are studying Medieval History, visited Musée Cluny and explored the Chateau Monté Cristo, which is often discussed and researched in their classes.

Critical thinking and inquiry were encouraged for Foundation 3 - 5 Art students while exploring pieces at the Musée d’Orsay. Foundation 4 - 5 students enjoyed the interactive displays at the Cité des Sciences - a “real-world” application of their General Science and Math lessons.

Foundation 5 students developed a ‘Museum of Progress’, interlinked with their Individuals and Societies class, presenting and debating their ideas of what progress represents  – for the future and up until now.

The memories of Discovery Week 2016 will live on through a collaborative mosaic piece that will hang proudly in our dance room - a unique way that our students continue to support the Apatchworks Organization, which creates positive memories for children in hospitals through community and creative projects.

While IB students continue their regular classes during Discovery Week, they do participate in certain outings. This year, IB1 students had the opportunity to learn about referencing and research techniques at the American Library of Paris. The Theater students enjoyed the musical production of 42nd Street at the Théâtre du Châtelet, and Art students went to visit exhibitions at the Musée Rodin and the Louis Vuitton Gallery.

The eclectic mix of activities and outings during Discovery Week 2016, was met with great excitement and enthusiasm. Many students were energized and put their talents and interests on display. Another Discovery Week, another success!

Looking for something?

At Ermitage, we offer you a choice between the French program with bilingual options and the International Baccalaureate program in English with a bilingual diploma option as well. Discover their similarities and differences below.

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